I was kindly nominated for the Liebster Award by Katia from the great
Audreysglams blog. The low down - The Liebster Award is an award where bloggers nominate other bloggers with under 200 followers. This allows readers to discover some amazing blogs that they think are worth a good old read. I was excited to answer the questions that Audrey had left for me as there was a good mixture of different topics.
The Rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Mention the blogger who nominated you
3. Answer the 11 questions set by your nominator
4. List 11 facts about you
5. List 11 questions that you want your nominees to answer
My Answers To Katia's 11 Questions
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging as I have been a reader of blogs for a while now and it seemed like the perfect way to express my love for fashion and beauty. I'm glad I started and hope I continue to enjoy it for a long period of time. It feels theraputic and I love sharing my thoughts and ideas and interacting with those who share the same passions.
2. How do you use social media to promote your blog?
I occassionally use Twitter & Instagram to promote my new posts. I think the term "in moderation" is key. Its great to inform people of whats on your blog & why they should stop by, but I dislike it when people use it to shove it down peoples throats and only care about followers. Not cool duuuude.
3. Do you have a signature makeup look?
I would say a cateye with lots of mascara, a bold lip and a good old highlight. When using this look, I tend to use very little base makeup or any eyeshadows. I love how it creates a simple look with defined eyes, dewy skin and the attention being on the lips!
4. If you had to trade all your beauty products for something bigger, what would that be?
This is a tough one. I would have to say a pair of Christian Louboutins. I have been dying for a pair of Pigalle's for as long as I can remember. All of my pennies go to make up and shoes of a lower price range than Mr Loubs, but one day...
5. Has blogging affected your personality and your daily life? If yes, in which way?
No it hasn't one bit. I blog when I have free time or when I am travelling. Although, you could say it has affected my personality in a sense that now I am more adventurous in many aspects so that I can share great feedback and reviews on my blog.
6. What is your typical day like?
As I have been travelling lately, you will find me up out of bed, washed and ready for an exploring day ahead. This could consist of going on day cruises, heading to the beach, enjoying a bbq, going for some drinks and breathing in as much Australia has to offer. Bliss.
7. What do you love the most in life?
It has to be my family and friends. Thats all that really matters in life. Everything else is just a bonus. Having good people around me is when I feel happiest and content. Cheesy... But true!
8. Would you rather be loved, admired, respected of feared?
Respected. You can't always be loved and admired as you won't know if someone is doing it for the real you. Being respected will mean that although people may have different opinions to/of you, at least you will still have respect. I respect others who respect me! Respect brother ;)
9. What is your best attribute? (mental or physical)
I never know what to say when I get hit with these sort of questions. Physical - my hair. It grows fast and I always have the option to do something fun with it. Mental - I am really supportive. I always want those people who I care about to reach their goals and achieve what they want.
10. What is your worst flaw? (mental or physical)
I feel like I have many but they all seem collectively bad to me so none stands out. I would say that I doubt myself quite a lot. That was the reason I hadn't started blogging for a while. In fear that it wouldn't be good and had a lot of self doubt. I'm working on that though as it can hold you back.
11. How do you react to negative comments in real life and blogging life?
To be honest, I haven't had to deal with negativity quite a lot. I tend not to surround myself with negative people and bad energy so that prevents me having to deal with the drama. At the moment, I haven't had any negative comments whilst blogging. Although, those people would be blocked as nobody should have to listen to negative nancy's! Ha.
11 (Really Random) Facts about myself
1. When I'm in a bad mood or stressed, sometimes the only cure is to go a long last night drive with my favourite music blasting.
2. Jim Carrey is my hero.
3. I prefer snacking on chocolate, sweets and everything that can be bad for you rather than eating proper meals.
4. Making to-do lists and schedules has became a daily occurrence for me. I then end up almost never following those lists, so it's a complete waste of time.
5. I have been told I look like Rita Ora, Molly from the Saturdays, Holly Willoughby and Cher Lloyd. (No)
6. The only music star that I completely dislike and their music is Rihanna.
7. I am so unfit and do not do anything fitness related anymore. Yet, I have a sports degree.
8. I know absolutely nothing about history and anything that happened before 1992 (lol). Shocking.
9. I can listen to a song only once and know the majority of the words afterwards.
10. I feel bare and undressed if I don't have nail polish on.
11. I am obsessed with monkeys and really want a pet finger monkey.
11 Questions For My Nominees
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. If you could be a Disney princess, which one would you be and why?
3. Are you a bold colour or neutral colour person?
4. Is your ideal saturday night: A) a night out on the town with your best friends or B) a night snuggled up on the sofa with a takeaway, watching a movie?
5. If you had to leave the house and only had time to do your makeup or your hair, which would you pick?
6. Are you Pro Kardashian or Anti Kardashian?
7. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?
8. If you could release and retail your own make up product, what type of product would it be?
9. If you could have every item from an online clothing website or store, which one would you choose and why?
10. Describe yourself in 3 words.
11. What is your best beauty/fashion tip that you always stand by?
I Now Nominate...
Felicity from 'Forever Dreaming about make up'
Rebecca from 'Peachy Keen Jelly Bean'
Jo from 'Caledonian Kitty'
Sophie from 'Cosmetics Case'
Jen from 'Looks and Lifestyle'
Sarah from 'The Blossom Cart'
Kristina from 'Kristina Suzanne'
Shannon from 'Cette Fille Shannon'
Beth from 'The Vintage Youth'
Soph from 'Va Va Violet'
Loren from 'Loren in Wonderland'
Can't wait to see your posts if you choose to do the award girls! Leave me your links if you do :)